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We have been talking about the change for over a year now. Well, the time has arrived. We are officially putting the Leadership house up for sale in order to purchase the land for Sozo Valley Ranch. This action has several immediate effects. We will have no transition housing for our Narrow Gate Program during the transition. As a result, we are changing our approach to this ministry. We will put our focus on helping others to reproduce the Narrow Gate in their ministries. Our operation of the program will cease but our efforts in this essential ministry will increase through the multiplication of our efforts with other leaders.


Another impact of selling the Leadership Center and moving the ministry to another location will be the end of our senior home repair program. Sun Ministries will no longer take requests for service or organize volunteers in these projects. We will continue to partner with other home repair programs through our Harvest Fields Company.


During the transition from Hyde Park to our new location, we will be changing how we do ministry. We will not be changing what we do but rather our approach to doing it. We have learned many things and developed many tools and systems for ministry over our years in Hyde Park. The time has come to hand those off to other people and empower them to reproduce what we have done in many other areas. This will be the primary function of Sozo Valley Ranch.


We see the Ranch as a holistic approach to ministry. It will serve as a retreat and training center. We will be able to bring ministry leaders to the ranch for training in Disciple Multiplication, Healing from the pain of your past, breaking strongholds, helping the homeless, addicted or formerly incarcerated and other ministry topics. We will also have a working permaculture farm and begin building modular buildings to support urban agriculture projects.


We are very excited about the changes that are coming. We are taking this huge project with excitement and we understand the challenge that are ahead for us. We are hopeful that in a couple of short years you will have the opportunity to visit Sozo Valley Ranch and see what God has put together through us. Until then, we can use your prayers and support to see this project through.